Spring Picnic
May 8, 2024 | 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Picnic tables and grill near the La-Z-Boy Center with Chef Kojo. Hot dogs and veggies burgers, chips and pop, brought to you by the MCCC Employee Engagement Events Committee.
Approximately 110 were in attendance. The white elephant gift exchange, count the M&M’s, ugly sweater contest, office decoration competition, all added to the fun. The menu consisted of: chicken marsala, shredded beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, salad and rolls. Carrot cake and chocolate cake for dessert.
Costume contest winners: Josh Myers (Skeletor) and Liz Hartig (Mona Lisa)
Pumpkin contest winners: Humanities & Business Division, Library, and Business Office
2024 Employee Recognition Breakfast
With approximately 150 attendees, we enjoyed a caterer breakfast and recognized employees with 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 years of service.
Shamrock Shakes
March 18 | 12:30 pm
Please join us for mint shakes (or vanilla if you prefer)
Free genuine imitation emerald-like green bead necklaces.
2023: The Year in Review
Christmas Luncheon 2023
Office Door Decorating Contest
Halloween 2023
1st Place Winner
2nd Place Winner
3rd Place Winner
Costume Winner
Miscellaneous Halloween
Employee Recognition Luncheon
Summer Cornhole Tournament
Spring Picnic
President’s Holiday Luncheon
Thursday, December 14, 2023
With approximately 110 employees in attendance, additional tables needed to be added to accommodate everyone. The food was delicious – parmesan chicken, roast beef with gravy, mashed potatoes, corn, green beans, salad and bread pudding for dessert. The entertainment was very enjoyable with Susan Behrens playing the piano and Reese Johnson on vocals.
Erica Cooner won the “guess the number of M&Ms” contest.
Administration office won the office decorating contest.
Justin Blaine won the ugly sweater contest.
The white elephant gift exchange was so much fun we ran into overtime.
Halloween Party 2023
Winners of pumpkins include: Bookstore (ship with map), Business Office (farm) and of course, Maintenance/Custodial (Saw the pumpkin)
Kambuza was the closet to guessing the number of candy corn (off by 5). Thank you Leon for your contribution.
Costume winners included: George/pirate, Josh and Sheila/aliens, and Financial Aid group/monsters.
Employee Recognition Luncheon
Tuesday, September 26, 2023
Noon - 1:30 | Dining Room
Please join us in commemorating our dedicated colleagues who have achieved a milestone anniversary in their years of service.
Spring Picnic
Thursday, May 4th
11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Picnic tables and grill near the La-Z-Boy Center, with Chef Kojo!
Hot dogs and hamburgers and veggie burgers, winner of cutest baby photo will be announced.
Congratulations to the winners of the Employee Favorite Photo Contest!
Laura Hamel in the Business Office won the prize for most guesses. She guessed 8 correctly.
Favorite Photo
First Place: Alex Gerweck, Educational Advocate (Health Sciences)
Second Place: Allison Gallardo, Assistant Director of Financial Aid
Thank you to all who voted and donated. We raised $60 for the American Cancer Society, Relay for Life of Monroe MCCC Huskies for Hope team.
aculty & Staff Appreciation
Monday, April 24th 8:00 – 10:00 am
Free coffee
Petite Fleet Vintage Coffee Cart
In front of the La-Z-Boy Center
Brought to you by Meemic Insurance
Events committee members –
Linda Torbet, Dan Dobbs, Penny Dorcey, Linda, Marsh, Denise Lindemann, Janel Boss, Beverly Tomek, Justin Blaine, Emily Wilcock, and Sarah Mason